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Watch the On-Demand Webinar

Building Equitable and Accessible Learning Environments Utilizing the LMS

The educational landscape is rapidly evolving. Educators and administrators must leverage the power of Learning Management Systems (LMS) to help create equitable and accessible learning experiences for all students. This informative webinar is designed to empower you, the educator, to harness the LMS in fostering a more inclusive online learning environment.

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1 Hour


Don’t miss this chance to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of how the LMS can be a powerful ally in building inclusive learning environments.
  • Discuss the research-supported benefits of creating an institutional or programmatic LMS template.
  • Identify additional design strategies and teaching practices to create an inclusive learning experience.
Woman working on computer in office

In this thought-provoking session, we’ll explore:

  • Discover how a well-organized LMS can significantly improve student learning. We’ll explore strategies for designing clear and consistent LMS templates that benefit all learners, particularly those who thrive with predictable structures. Practical tips on creating these templates and their positive impact on engagement and outcomes will be discussed.

  • Learn how to maximize the LMS’s potential by embedding direct links to crucial support services within the platform itself. This streamlines the student experience and ensures essential resources like social, mental health, academic support, and accessibility services are readily available. We’ll explore best practices for integrating these links and helping to foster a more supportive and inclusive learning environment.

  • This webinar provides a valuable opportunity to acquire practical strategies for making your LMS a more effective tool in promoting equitable and accessible education. From starting with a well-organized structure embedded with guidance and support resources, to designing quality online learning experiences within the LMS environment, we’ll highlight best practices, plus free resources and tools, to help you at multiple stages of development. Whether you’re looking to refine existing practices or seek new ideas, this session offers valuable perspectives and guidance.


Dr. Cristi Ford, Vice President of Academic Affairs at D2L


Dr. Errin Heyman Associate Vice President of Learning Experience at National University
Dr. Bethany Simunich VP of Research and Innovation at Quality Matters
Shawn Crosby Senior Instructional Designer at Community College of Baltimore County