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Teaching and Learning Studio


Teaching and Learning Studio Blog

Content by educators for educators. Our blogs, videos, podcasts, interviews and webinars are all designed to help you maximize student engagement and achievement through quality instruction.


Reinventing Education: Mike Yates on AI and Innovation at Teach for America

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 5 of Teach & Learn: A Podcast for Curious Educators, by D2L. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone from the Academic Affairs…

Teaching Data Literacy for a Data Driven World With Tom Andriola

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 4 of Teach & Learn: A Podcast for Curious Educators, by D2L. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone from the Academic Affairs…

How KSU Built an Analytics Platform That Faculty Love, With Dr. Anissa Vega

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 3 of Teach & Learn: A Podcast for Curious Educators, by D2L. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone from the Academic Affairs…

Protect Your Time and Enhance Efficiency With Sustainable Course Design

Dr. Anissa Vega currently serves as the Associate Vice Provost providing oversight of curriculum, digital learning, academic policy and academic innovations. In this blog, she shares how to carve a path toward efficient, flexible instruction with sustainable course design.

Weaving Climate Action Into Every Course With Karen Costa

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 2 of Teach & Learn: A Podcast for Curious Educators, by D2L. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone from the Academic Affairs…

From Fear to Freedom: Reimagining AI’s Role in Education

As we explore AI’s role in education, it’s crucial to shift from punitive uses to leveraging its potential for personalized learning, growth and creativity.

What Living Longer Means for the Future of Work and Education

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 1 of Teach & Learn: A Podcast for Curious Educators, brought to you by D2L. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone from…

Empowering Change: Building a Culture of Innovation and Trust Through Human-Centered Leadership

Discover how Delaware Tech’s CCIT leverages human-centered leadership to drive transformative change and innovation in education.