Customer Success
Recorded Webinar
Tips and Tricks: Easy ways to spruce up your content and create engagement!
Are you looking for easy ways to improve the learner experience in your courses? Join Customer success for this webinar where we’ll show you how to use HTML templates to…
Recorded Webinar
Tips and Tricks: Apply a consistent look to your courses with the Course Branding tool
Did you know that the Course Branding tool can apply a consistent homepage, navbar, and course tool active status across many courses at once? Join Customer Success for this webinar…
Recorded Webinar
Tips and Tricks: Getting Started with Creator +
Have you heard about D2L’s brand new Brightspace product package, Creator + ? Curious about how you could use some of these new tools to enhance your Brightspace course content?…
Recorded Webinar
Locked Learning Groups
This webinar gives an overview of the differences between the Learning Groups tool and the NEW Locked Learning Groups setup, which is especially helpful for Corporate Brightspace users with an…
Recorded Webinar
Tips and Tricks: Keep track of course completion information and automate enrollment with Manager Dashboard & Learning Groups
Have you been looking for a way to provide visibility into learners’ course completion? Have you wanted to automate user enrollment into the right courses? Have you heard of Manager…
Recorded Webinar
CD Release Notes Highlights – Q3 2022 Quarterly Review
Are you an ASC looking for an easy way to keep up with the most impactful changes from the Continuous Delivery process? Simply join Customer Success for this quarterly recurring…
Recorded Webinar
Tips and Tricks: Bulk Tools for Admins
Join Customer Success for this webinar where we take a look at some of the Bulk Tools that are available for Brightspace Admins to use to save time.
–Recorded WebinarTips and Tricks: Navigation in Brightspace for Instructors & Content Creators
Join Customer Success to explore some tips and tricks that instructors and content creators can use to help ensure that courses and course homepages are easy to navigate for learners….