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State University of New York (SUNY)

SUNY’s Bold Move to Transform Digital Learning

  • 17 Min Read

Before 2022, State University of New York (SUNY) had a problem—each campus had its own learning management system (LMS). For the largest university system in the United States, it was a big problem.

Imagine juggling multiple logins, different systems and inconsistent experiences across campuses. That was life for SUNY leaders, faculty and students. Data was scattered, support varied and security was patchy.

SUNY needed to unify and simplify the learning experience for everyone. The Solution? Transforming the chaos into a cohesive, streamlined, centralized system.


State University of New York (SUNY)



Now, 58 campuses use one LMS, offering a consistent, user-friendly experience while being cost-effective and efficient.

Dive into the details of SUNY’s digital revolution in this new case study.

You’ll discover:

  • Why SUNY chose to partner with D2L and implement Brightspace
  • How SUNY smoothly transitioned 370,000 students
  • The secret to reducing LMS costs while boosting efficiency
  • The benefits of a unified system for cross-campus collaboration
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