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  • 2 Min Read

Boomerang Corner: Find out Why D2Lers Love “Coming Home”

We get it—sometimes people want to move onto other challenges. But sometimes they also come back. Employees who leave and return are what we call boomerangs.

The Inside Scoop: Adventures of a D2L Intern

Imagine being an intern, trying to figure out: “What excites me, who am I aiming to become and where do my passions truly lie?”

Boomerangs Are Meant to Return

I began #LifeAtD2L in 2012 on the Teaching and Learning Strategies team with the amazing Ken Chapman, VP, learning innovation advocacy. I loved the work I was involved in and...

Boomerang Corner: Find out Why D2Lers Love “Coming Home”

We get it—sometimes people want to move onto other challenges. But sometimes they also come back. Employees who leave and return are what we call boomerangs.

Overcoming Barriers: Everyone Has a Superpower

I’m so lucky to work with an incredible team of creative and talented people who share my passion for education and design. Some of them amaze me by working with...

D2L Campus Roadshow – Resumes, Interviews and Personal Branding

D2L is continuing to expand our reach to other student groups that reflect the diversity of our clients and communities globally.

My Co-op at D2L: Making a Difference with the Accessibility Lab website

D2L doesn’t just talk about accessibility to clients but also prioritizes accessibility internally