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Boomerang Corner: Find out Why D2Lers Love “Coming Home”

We get it—sometimes people want to move onto other challenges. But sometimes they also come back. Employees who leave and return are what we call boomerangs.

Boundary-Less Leadership: Working ACROSS Boundaries towards a COMMON Goal!

**Welcome to a series of posts about what leadership looks like at D2L. Here at D2L, we recently shared the leadership competencies/behaviours that we know are required to transform the...

Leadership at D2L- Be Talent Magnets

**Welcome to a series of posts about what leadership looks like at D2L. Here at D2L, we recently shared the leadership competencies/behaviours that we know are required to transform the...

Leadership at D2L- Deliver Awesome Outcomes

**Welcome to a series of posts about what leadership looks like at D2L. Here at D2L, we recently shared the leadership competencies/behaviours that we know are required to transform the...

Leadership at D2L- Win Hearts and Minds

Welcome to a series of posts about what leadership looks like at D2L. Here at D2L, we recently shared the leadership competencies/behaviours that we know are required to transform the way the world learns. We considered both business and client goals and needs, and our drive to continue to disrupt the world of learning for K-12, Higher Ed and Corporate Learning. The competencies we decided upon aren’t new. They aren’t rocket science. They don’t come with cute little sayings. But we believe in them. And know they will set the stage for people to do the best work of their lives here at D2L all while helping to make learning more engaging, accessible and inspiring.

Leadership at D2L – Lead by Example

**Welcome to a series of posts about what leadership looks like at D2L. Here at D2L, we recently shared the leadership competencies/behaviours that we know are required to transform the...

Open Doors D2L

If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a one-minute video is worth over a million words, then how much is a live experience worth beyond those estimated values?...