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Watch the On-Demand Webinar

How to Make SEL a Success in Your K-12 District

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is no longer a new concept. Research has shown: Students who have practiced interpersonal skills, responsible decision making and self-regulation are better able to achieve academically both in the short and the long-term—and will ultimately be more successful in future careers.

The challenge with SEL is not understanding why you should do it. It’s the how. And that’s precisely why we created this webinar. To help you learn how to make social-emotional learning a success. Join the conversation as our expert panel discusses practical ways to implement SEL in our districts, schools and classrooms. During this webinar, our experts will share:

  • What SEL is and why it’s essential in K-12 education
  • Ways in which SEL can benefit students in their academic and personal lives
  • How to support staff in effectively implementing SEL with quality professional development
  • How technology can be leveraged to enhance school- and district-wide SEL initiatives


1 Hour

3 pm ET Virtual

In this webinar we will share:

What SEL is and why it’s important in K-12 education 

Ways in which SEL can benefit students in their academic and personal lives

How to support staff in effectively implementing SEL with quality professional development 

How technology can be leveraged to enhance school- and district-wide SEL initiatives 

There’s never been a better time to make lasting change in your district.


Moderator:Kassia Gandhi

  • Presenter Kendall Sweeney

    Kendall comes from Move This World’s Brooklyn office, where she is the Director of Impact. Since joining the Move This World team, Kendall has used her background in social work to support the growth and development of the PreK-12 SEL program and its implementation in schools and districts across the country. She is passionate about mental health and building tools to empower others, and prioritizes her own wellbeing by spending as much of her free time outdoors biking, hiking, and snowboarding, as she can.

  • Presenter Erica Battle

    Erica has worked with a diverse range of clients, including public and private schools, universities, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. She provides professional development on topics such as Rigorous and Relevant Instruction, Trauma-Informed Practices, Addressing the S.E.L. Needs of Students, Equitable Instructional Practices, and How to Use Data to Inform Practice. Erica has also given Keynote presentations on Acting for Impact, Addressing the S.E.L. Needs of Students, and Equity in Education for schools and organizations around the country.

    Erica’s experience as an educational consultant has been characterized by a deep commitment to improving educational outcomes for all students. Her expertise extends across a wide range of educational topics, and she has a keen ability to assess each client’s unique needs and goals to tailor her recommendations accordingly. Erica has a passion for helping educators and institutions create learning environments that are engaging, effective, and equitable. She currently consults full-time with schools and school districts throughout the country, positively impacting education one school at a time.

    In addition to her consulting work, Erica is also a published author. She wrote and published an adolescent self-discovery book titled, Who Are You? A Guide to Help Adolescents Navigate Through the Social and Emotional Issues of Life. Erica will be releasing A.R.E. You Actively Reading and Engaging Reading Comprehensions System this summer to provide educators and caregivers with a system to teach children how to comprehend text explicitly. For more information, visit:

  • Presenter Jean Jarick

    Mrs. Jean Jarick is a Solutions Engineer at D2L. Prior to joining the D2L team, Jean worked as a secondary and an elementary teacher in Ontario for ten years and was an early adopter of Brightspace. Jean was inspired by the way Brightspace helped break down barriers for learners and works with the D2L team to share her passion for these powerful tools with other educators. Jean was inspired to become a teacher after volunteering in a “section 23” classroom supporting high school students who were enrolled in addiction recovery programs to complete independent high school credits. Jean has experience working in remote Indigenous communities and was a teacher using Brightspace in the NNDSB for ten years before joining D2L in July of last year.