In this webinar we will share:
There’s never been a better time to make lasting change in your district.
Moderator:Kassia Gandhi
Watch the On-Demand Webinar
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is no longer a new concept. Research has shown: Students who have practiced interpersonal skills, responsible decision making and self-regulation are better able to achieve academically both in the short and the long-term—and will ultimately be more successful in future careers.
The challenge with SEL is not understanding why you should do it. It’s the how. And that’s precisely why we created this webinar. To help you learn how to make social-emotional learning a success. Join the conversation as our expert panel discusses practical ways to implement SEL in our districts, schools and classrooms. During this webinar, our experts will share:
There’s never been a better time to make lasting change in your district.
Moderator:Kassia Gandhi