Customer Success
Recorded Webinar
Assessment Series: Building out an Assessment Strategy
This session is more theoretical, and aims to highlight a few different ways and ideologies you can use to structure assessment within your course, and showcase some of the resources…
Recorded Webinar
Admin Essential Series: All About Partners (3rd Party Integrations)
This webinar will explore various aspects of third party products that can be integrated into the Brightspace learning environment. We will describe the various levels of vendor partnerships and what…
Recorded Webinar
All About Partners (3rd Party Integrations)
This webinar will explore various aspects of third party products that can be integrated into the Brightspace learning environment. We will describe the various levels of vendor partnerships and what…
Recorded Webinar
The Importance of Consistency in Course Design
Join us to learn more about the importance of consistency in course design, and how consistently designed courses improve learner satisfaction and success. We’ll explore some tips and tricks to…
Recorded Webinar
Admin Essential Series: Roll Over Strategies
This session for Administrators will cover an overview of recommended strategies to use when rolling your courses over for the start of a new semester.
Recorded Webinar
Data Series: Using Brightspace Data Sets with Excel
This webinar will look at the different types of datasets within Brightspace and some simple excel workflows to create meaningful reports.
Recorded Webinar
Video Tools
Watch this webinar to learn more about the different ways you could be leveraging video tools to create learner engagement in your courses in the Brightspace Learning Environment. Cl
Recorded Webinar
Data Series: Exploring Resources for Creating a Data Strategy
This webinar will break down the process of creating a data strategy and look at the resources available in the D2L Community to help support each step.