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Welcome SUNY

Try D2L Brightspace

In order to prepare for the SUNY migration to Brightspace, D2L has created a non-production / sandbox environment to provide faculty and staff the opportunity to try out some of the core functionality of the learning platform. The production environment will look different and will include expanded 3rd Party Tool functionality. In this sandbox, you will have access to two courses:

  1. Sample Course with Data – a pre-populated course with fake student data so you can see the course analytics and grading experience
  2. An Empty Course – an entirely empty course for you to try importing course content or building a new course from scratch

Please visit for more information on SUNY’s transition to a new Digital Learning Environment. Additional questions can be sent to [email protected].

For questions regarding the Brightspace sandbox, you can Email D2L Sandbox Support from the Help menu available upon logging in.