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Canada's Best Places To Work In 2022 Just Dropped & These 6 Are Hiring In Ontario RN

These companies got rave reviews! 👀

Canada's Best Places To Work In 2022 Just Dropped & These 6 Are Hiring In Ontario RN

Hunting for a new job in Ontario can be a pain, and scouring the internet for the right position, let alone the right company, can be headache-inducing. Thankfully, it makes things a lot easier when you know where to look.

Glassdoor, a website where employees anonymously review their employers, just released its list of Canada's best places to work in 2022, offering job seekers intel on what companies are the most desirable (and let's face it, how well they pay is a big part of that).

So, to celebrate the fact that a bunch of tedious vetting has just been done for us, these are the best places to work that are hiring in Ontario right now.

Dell Technologies

Dell, whose Canadian headquarters is located in North York, ranked the highest out of all 25 companies on the list.

"Excellent culture. Opportunity to grow. Flexible work environment. Company genuinely cares about work life balance," one of Dell's sales account managers told Glassdoor.

The company is currently hiring for several well-paying positions in Toronto, including account managers, senior analysts and specialists.

So, if you tend to be left-brain-oriented, then Dell could be your opportunity to put your skills to good use and work for a company well known for supporting its employees.

City of Mississauga

The City of Mississauga was new to the list this year, taking the 14th spot, and is looking to fill numerous positions including administrative assistant, forestry long-term temp and manager of technical services.

"Great colleagues and management; no silos. Very collaborative team environment," wrote one employee.

Not only does working for the City of Mississauga let you provide a genuine public service, but it also ensures that your personal needs are being met.


Apple ranked 25th on the list this year, and there are plenty of opportunities for Ontarians to work with the tech giant, whose Canadian headquarters is located right in downtown Toronto.

The company is currently looking to hire editors, store managers, tech specialists and business pros, amongst others.

"Really takes care of its employees during times of crisis, and never had to worry about losing their jobs due to the pandemic," one Apple sales specialist from Toronto wrote.

Thomson Reuters

This media giant located in Toronto is known for having great management, knowledgeable workers and excellent lines of communication — a reputation that has snagged it the 20th spot on the list.

The company recently listed job postings to fill positions for software engineers, treasury analysts and technical leads, among others.


Fortinet Technologies Canada, which has its head office in Toronto, ranks 7th on the list thanks to its ability to pay above-average salaries and offer incoming employees a stellar training program.

The company is hiring for several positions in Ontario, including presales security expert and operational technologies sales engineer.

Long View Systems

Yet another impressive tech company, currently ranked 17th on the list, also calls Toronto home. If you're looking to work for people who put a strong focus on work-life balance, this could be your spot.

Open positions include senior network consultant, organizational change management consultant and senior virtualization consultant.


If none of the above really ring any bells for you, you can always look into these other highly ranked Ontario companies that made the list, some of which are also hiring at the moment: Cisco Systems, SAP, D2L, Export Development Canada, Salesforce and Levio.

So you might want to dust off the old resume and get applying!

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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